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Regulatory Inspections - What To Expect In Post Pandemic Regulatory Inspections

Duration : 90 Minutes

Meredith Crabtree,

Meredith Crabtree has over 25 years experience in regulated industries, ranging from Blood, Plasma, Tissue, Laboratory, Pharma, Medical Device, Cosmetics, Supplements, and Animal Health manufacturing and distribution. Meredith currently works as a Quality Consultant performing label reviews, 3rd p Read more

Now that the Pandemic shutdowns have started to slow down, the FDA and other regulatory agencies are back in the field performing GMP inspections. This Webinar will discuss ways to prepare your facility when inspectors come knocking on your doors. Topics to be discussed will include how you can prepare your site; what you will need to prioritize; Supply Chain interruptions; and Staff shortages and training challenges. We will briefly discuss some of the hot topics being reviewed/ inspected in the industry. Additionally, you will hear how to get additional support to help not only prepare for your GMP inspection, but also assistance post audit.

Why Should You Attend:

Regulatory inspections were put on hold as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Now that agencies are working through the backlog of audits/ inspections, it is important for facilities to understand how to prepare for these inspections and what the primary focus in the industry is currently.

Course Outline:

• Post pandemic inspections and the risks of noncompliance

• Prioritization and preparing staff for regulatory inspections

• Challenges of supply chain interruptions to regulatory compliance

• Staff shortages and challenges with effective training

• Hot topics of focus of regulated inspections

• How to get additional support to prepare for an audit

• The inspection is over- what next?

What You Get:

• Training Materials

• Live Q&A Session with our Expert

• Participation Certificate

• Access to Signup Community (Optional)

• Reward Points

Who  Will Benefit:

• Quality Assurance Leaders

• Quality Assurance Specialists, analysts

• Training Personnel

• QC lab personnel

• Subject Matter experts who assist in Regulatory audits

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Subject : Regulatory Inspections - What To Expect In Post Pandemic Regulatory Inspections

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