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Showing 1-6 of 6 items.
Cathy Horwitz
LIVE : July 29 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Cathy teaches classes on the Microsoft suite of application software including Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Access and Outlook.  Cathy has over 30 years of experience in clas...
Ray Evans
LIVE : July 31 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Performing key roles in a the private and public sectors and also as a Board Director, Ray's proven experience includes management, business analysis, audit, report writing, s...
Mike Thomas
LIVE : August 05 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Mike Thomas has worked in the IT training business for 26 years. His expertise and experience covers designing and delivering training courses,...

LIVE : August 09 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Dr. Isaac Gottileb
LIVE : August 23 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Dr. Gottlieb has earned his Ph.D. and two Masters Degrees from Columbia department of Industrial Engineering and Operation Research .

LIVE : August 30 , 2024 01:00 PM EDT

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Showing 1-10 of 119 items.
Karla Brandau
Recorded Duration : 60 Minutes

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Karla Brandau is a leading authority on time management and team productivity in the workplace. With over 25 years of teaching and coaching tim...

Dr. Isaac Gottileb
Recorded Duration : 90 Minutes

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Dr. Gottlieb has earned his Ph.D. and two Masters Degrees from Columbia department of Industrial Engineering and Operation Research .

Cathy Horwitz
Recorded Duration : 360 Minutes

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Cathy teaches classes on the Microsoft suite of application software including Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Access and Outlook.  Cathy has over 30 years of experience in clas...
Cathy Horwitz
Recorded Duration : 60 Minutes

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Cathy teaches classes on the Microsoft suite of application software including Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Access and Outlook.  Cathy has over 30 years of experience in clas...
Mike Thomas
Recorded Duration : 90 Minutes

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Mike Thomas has worked in the IT training business for 26 years. His expertise and experience covers designing and delivering training courses,...

Ray Evans
Recorded Duration : 90 Minutes

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Performing key roles in a the private and public sectors and also as a Board Director, Ray's proven experience includes management, business analysis, audit, report writing, s...
Lisa Kleiman
Recorded Duration : 60 Minutes

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Lisa Kleiman is the founder and public speaking coach at Speaktopia and has been conducting public speaking and communication training for over...

Lisa Kleiman
Recorded Duration : 60 Minutes

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Lisa Kleiman is the founder and public speaking coach at Speaktopia and has been conducting public speaking and communication training for over...

Cathy Horwitz
Recorded Duration : 60 Minutes

Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement > Cross Industry | Skill Enhancement

Cathy teaches classes on the Microsoft suite of application software including Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Access and Outlook.  Cathy has over 30 years of experience in clas...