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2 hours Session on Ethics for Internal Auditor

Duration : 2 Hours

Richard E. Cascarino, MBA, CIA, CISM, CFE,

Well known in international auditing, Richard is a principal of Richard Cascarino & Associates based in Colorado, USA and Johannesburg, South Africa with over 32 years of experience in audit training and consultancy.

He is a regular speaker to National and Read more

Ethics is absolutely required in the course of an audit. The code of professional conduct is a specific set of rules set by the governing bodies of Certified Public Accountants and Internal Auditors. 

According to the Uniform Accountancy Act Model Rules (dated November 2020), college ethics education is “a program of learning that provides students with a framework of ethical reasoning, professional values, and attitudes for exercising professional skepticism and other behavior that is in the best interest of the public and profession.

It has now become compulsory for auditors to report a variety of CPE hours of Ethics training based on their State requirements. Internal Auditors must report 2 hours of ethics CPE on an annual basis to maintain their professional qualifications.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this module the attendee will gain :

• An understanding of the nature and types of ethics practices in organizations today.

• An understanding of the role of ethics in Auditing and how an ethics audit may be conducted

• Internal Fraud prevention

• Management Fraud

Course Outline:

• Major terms involved in ethics and business ethics in particular

• Levels of business at which ethics is evaluated and the core issues involved

• Why ethics is necessary on the personal and organisational level

• Distinguish between ‘morality’ and ‘ethics’

• Why professional ethics and professional virtues are important.

• Ethics Theory

• Classes of Ethics

• The role of business

• Employee ethics

• Honesty, objectivity and diligence

• Conflicts of interest

• Reporting of material facts

• Corporate Codes of Conduct

• Corporate Social Responsibility

• Conducting an Ethics Audit

What You Get:

• Training Materials

• Live Q&A Session with our Expert

• Participation Certificate

• Access to Signup Community (Optional)

• Reward Points

Who Will Benefit:

• Audit Managers and Directors

• Chief Auditors

• Auditors

• Risk Managers

• Operations Leaders

• Operational Risk Managers

• Regulators

• Bank Examiners

• Quality Control Staff

• Corporate Trainers

The Ethics module is particularly relevant with the IIA requirement for Ethics training.

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