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HR 101: A Primer for Front Line Managers and New Supervisors

Duration : 2 Hours

In an increasingly complicated world of employee compliance in which HR struggles just to keep abreast of new developments, not teaching managers the HR basics can be costly. After all, it’s the managers who interact with employees on a day-to-day basis, and every day is an opportunity for problems to arise that a manager was never trained how to address. Even routine situations such as denying a seemingly simple request for a few days off can blow up into claims of a denied request for protected leave.

Course Objectives:

From a business perspective, training managers in the basics of HR compliance, basics of employment law, how to write documentation, and how to use the tools of employee development is the least expensive thing an employer can do to stave off unwarranted employment claims.

From a manager’s perspective, managing from day one is the most important thing a manager can do for productivity purposes, compliance reasons, employee development and engagement and also – to safeguard their own career. From an HR perspective, training managers on the basics of HR compliance can help defend against a whole host of unwarranted employment claims, including those that often begin with miscommunication, misinformation, and mismanagement.

Course Outline:

• Basics of the Big Four of employment compliance: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Fair Labor Standards Act, The Family & Medical Leave Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act

• Managing from Day 1 – Using coaching, performance reviews, performance improvement plans and disciplinary processes

• Preventing harassment, bullying, and general dysfunction

• Effective handling of employee complaints

• Avoiding pitfalls when inheriting a dysfunctional team

What You Get:

• Training Materials

• Live Q&A Session with our Expert

• Participation Certificate

• Access to Signup Community (Optional)

• Reward Points

Who Will Benefit:

• Senior Leadership

• Human Resource Managers

• Managers and Supervisors

• Team Leaders

• Compliance Professionals

• Operations Professionals

• Employees

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Subject : HR 101: A Primer for Front Line Managers and New Supervisors

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