Carolyn Troiano
LIVE : March 28 , 2025 01:00 PM EDT

Don Phin has been an employment law attorney, business owner, workshop leader, and executive coach. After leaving his litigation career, he bui...
John E. Lincoln, is Principal of J. E. Lincoln and Associates LLC, a consulting company with over 38 years experience in U.S. FDA-regulated ind...
Michael Healey works with businesses and organizations that understand the value of developing people as a foundation for continual improvement...
John E. Lincoln, is Principal of J. E. Lincoln and Associates LLC, a consulting company with over 38 years experience in U.S. FDA-regulated ind...
Dr. Edward Hubbard, Ph.D. is President & CEO of Hubbard & Hubbard. Inc. and is the author of more than 59 Diversity and business-...
Joy McElroy entered the pharmaceutical industry in 1992 shortly after earning a Bachelor of Science degree at North Carolina State University. ...
William Levinson is the principal of Levinson Productivity Systems, P.C. He is an ASQ Fellow, Certified Quality Engineer, Quality Auditor, Qual...